“When do Political Parties Represent Women: Gender Differences in Party Support and Political Engagement in a Comparative Perspective” Book project.
“Political scandal and elite influence on support for gender quotas: evidence from Australia” with Andrea Carson, Leah Ruppanner and Jill Sheppard.
Katrine Beauregard. 2024 “Are Men and Women Contacted Differently by Electoral Campaigns? A Cross-National Examination of Gender Gaps.” International Political Science Review OnlineFirst. DOI: 10.1177/01925121241248450/.
Katrine Beauregard and Marija Taflaga. 2023.“Party quotas and gender differences in candidate experience in Australia: 1987-2016.” Parliamentary Affairs 76(2): 360-381. DOI: 10.1093/pa/gsab061.
Katrine Beauregard, Mirya Holman, and Jill Sheppard. 2022. “Sexism and attitudes toward policy spending in Australia and the United States.” Frontiers in Political Science 4:892111. DOI: 10.3389/fpos.2022.892111.
Katrine Beauregard, Brenda O’Neill, and Elisabeth Gidengil. 2022. “Women, support for sovereignty, and feminism: The case of Québec.” Politics, Groups, and Identities 10(1): 41-62. DOI: 10.1080/21565503.2020.1748070.
Katrine Beauregard. 2021. “Sexism and the Australian Voter: How Sexist Attitudes Influenced Vote Choice in the 2019 Federal Election.” Australian Journal of Political Science 56(3): 298-317. DOI: 10.1080/10361146.2021.1971834.
Katrine Beauregard and Jill Sheppard. 2021. “Anti-women but pro-quota: Disaggregating sexism and support for gender quota policies.” Political Psychology 42(2): 219-237. DOI: 10.1111/POPS.12696.
Marija Taflaga and Katrine Beauregard. 2020. “The merit of party institutions: women’s descriptive representation and Conservative parties in Australia and the United Kingdom.” Journal of Women, Politics & Policy 41(1): 66-90. DOI: 10.1080/1554477X.2020.1701934.
Jill Sheppard and Katrine Beauregard. 2018. “Early voting in Australia: The costs and benefits of convenience.” Political Science 70(2): 117-134.
Katrine Beauregard. 2018. “Partisanship and the gender gap: Support for gender quotas in Australia.” Australian Journal of Political Science 53(3): 290-319.
Katrine Beauregard. 2018. "Women’s representation and gender gaps in political participation: Do time and success matter in a cross-national perspective?" Politics, Groups, and Identities 6(2): 237-263.
Katrine Beauregard. 2017. "Quotas and gender gaps in political participation among established industrial democracies: Distinguishing within- and across-country effects." Political Research Quarterly 70(3): 657-672.
Katrine Beauregard. 2016. “At the intersection of gender and language: Why do Francophone women have lower levels of political participation?” American Review of Canadian Studies 46(1): 74-92.
Katrine Beauregard. 2014. "Gender, Political Participation, and Electoral Systems: A Cross-National Analysis." European Journal of Political Research 53(3): 617-634.
Katrine Beauregard. 2023. “Immigration status and public opinion.” In Cameron D. Anderson and Mathieu Turgeon, eds, Comparative Public Opinion. London: Routledge, 80-104. DOI: 10.4324/9781003121992-8.
Jennifer Curtin and Katrine Beauregard. 2021. “The Representation of Women in Australian Politics.” In Alan Fenna and Rob Manwaring, eds, Government and Politics in Australia, 11th edition. Melbourne, Vic: Pearson Australia, 220-237.
Katrine Beauregard. 2018. “Gender, voting, and women’s representation in the 2016 Australian election.” In Shaun Wilson and Markus Hadler, eds, Australian Social Attitudes IV: Australia in the Age of Insecurity. Sydney: Sydney University Press, 99-116.
Katrine Beauregard. 2016. “Review of “The Gendered Effects of Electoral Institutions: Political Engagement and Participation” by Miki Caul Kittilson and Leslie A. Schwindt-Bayer. Published by Oxford University Press, 2012. Canadian Journal of Political Science 49(3): 584-586.
Tom Flanagan and Katrine Beauregard. 2013. "The Wealth of First Nations. An Exploratory Study". Center for Aboriginal Policy Studies. Fraser Institute.
American Political Science Association Annual Meeting: 2018, 2019
Australian Political Studies Conference: 2015
Australian Society for Quantitative Political Science Conference: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
Canadian Political Science Association Annual Meeting: 2012, 2019
Congrès annuel de la Société québécoise de science politique : 2011
European Conference on Politics and Gender: 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019
European Consortium for Political Research General Conference: 2016, 2017, 2018
Midwest Political Science Association Conference: 2016, 2018
Prairie Political Science Association Conference: 2009, 2011, 2012, 2015
New Zealand Political Studies Conference: 2015
World Congress of Political Science: 2016, 2018
Katrine Beauregard and Marija Taflaga. 2020. “The merit of party institutions: Women’s descriptive representation and Conservative parties in Australia and the United Kingdom.” POP Politics AUS, March 11. Blog post.
Marija Taflaga and Katrine Beauregard. 2019. “Why a code of conduct may not be enough to change the boy’s club culture in the Liberal Party.” The Conversation and ABC News. August 6. Opinion.
Katrine Beauregard. 2018."Trois conseils lorsqu’on shouhaite travailler en Australie.” Praxis: The CPSA Career Blog/Le Blogue Carrière de L’ACSP. October 2. Blog post.
Katrine Beauregard. 2018 “Le mythe de la compétence et la loi sur la parité en politique.” Le Devoir, May 24. Op-ed.
Katrine Beauregard. 2018. “Partisanship and the gender gap: Support for gender quotas in Australia.” POP Politics AUS, April 26; Democratic Audit UK, May 4. Blog post.
Katrine Beauregard. 2014. "Les quotas et les femmes en politiques." La Presse. May 8. Op-ed.